Helping People Help Cats

Cat Network is a non-profit cat advocacy organization dedicated to the care and welfare of feral stray cats, also known as community cats, of the greater Stanislaus County Area. We are local experts on the Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) method of cat population control and care of outdoor cats.

We offer spay neuter vouchers for  stray and feral cats, information and training on how to do TNR, trap loans and educational outreach. Cats are accepted for surgery by appointment ONLY. All customers are asked to read our Humane Trapping Instructions and Spay Day Instruction prior to coming in.

Every month Cat Network of Stanislaus facilitates 50-80 cat surgeries. This accomplishment is made possible through our community who supports us through donations and participation in fundraisers. To be added to our email list, send us a note to

You can also follow us on Instagram at "stancatnetwork".


Help us help more cats by donating today

Help us help more cats by donating today

To make an online donation, click here:

Donations gratefully accepted by mail to: PO Box 3649, Modesto CA 95352 Tax ID 36-4787006

Cats for adoption


We have a very small adoption program, but we do not currently accept cats from the public. If you would like to see our adoptable cats,

click here




Cat Network of Stanislaus strives to assist residents of Stanislaus County and surrounding areas in the care and fixing of feral and stray cats. Controlling feral cat populations is important so the cats live better lives. We believe strongly in the TNR, Trap Neuter Return model. That means cats are trapped in a humane cat trap, fixed and they returned back to where they came from (that is the place they call home).

We are not an organization that assists in getting pet cats spayed and neutered but for pet owners, we will guide you in anyway we can. If you have a pet cat you would like to spay or neuter, please check the phone book for affordable clinics. You can also email us at and we will share information. We do keep up to date with prices around the area. 

If you have found a group of feral cats, the MOST important thing to do is get everyone of them FIXED (AKA as spayed and neutered). That is where our group comes in handy. We do not offer to rehome kittens. We do not go out and trap for everyone. But we can offer everyone advice and expertise in how to best help stray and feral cats so there won’t be more cats. We also offer trap rentals and low-cost spay and neuter vouchers.

Keep in mind that not every cat walking outside is lost or homeless. Cats have an amazing ability to go for walks on a nice day. They visit with their neighborhood friends and may even have a snack while their doing it. But they have a home elsewhere. They are not lost of dumped. Some cats have a tipped ear. That means they are already fixed and you do not need to do anything (unless the cat has a medical emergency). Some cats do not have a tipped ear. Those should be trapped and brought in to a spay and neuter clinic. That will help us all to prevent MORE kittens. And please, do not be surprised if a non-tipped cat gets pregnant. Almost EVERY un-spayed female cat will get pregnant.

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If you want to help and prevent more kittens these are some things you can do:

Contact your veterinarian for advice: Maybe your personal veterinarian is offering specials for feral cats. Often they want the cat to be in a humane trap.

Read more about feral cat and how to help them here:

Read our link called Humane Trapping Instructions, so that you get yourself prepared for what TNR really involves.

When you feel ready to do the TNR thing, call us at 209-7350604 and we will get you started.



~ trap a cat without a plan. If you still do not know where to take a cat, if anyone will take kittens and how you are going to to help the cat or kitten: DO NOT TRAP.

~ leave a trap overnight, in the cold or heat. Trap cats when you know you can check on it every 15 minutes. Cats can get hurt by heat, cold and others. Always trap when you are present and can hear the trap go off. You also don’t want the un-trapped cats to get smarter and smarter and then harder and harder to trap. They will, if they keep seeing their friends caught in a trap and struggle to get out. Do not leave baby kittens in a trap without food (wet food contains a lot of water and is the best for them).

~ call for an appointment when the cat is already in a trap. Get the appointment first. Most veterinary clinics understand if you have to cancel.

~ take kittens from a nest before the moma cat is fixed. She will become suspicious and take off and most likely get pregnant again.


PLAN for what you need, where the cats go and when. Almost every local veterinary office know of and have specials for feral cats

PREPARE for what equipment you need: traps, covers for the traps, wet food, little dishes ( do not use breakable dishes)

GET READY: Call us, or email when you are ready to get your traps and vouchers. We will be happy to assist you. 209-7350604

Help those tom cats to be done with parenting. They are tired